Video Story PMexpo 2017Video story PMexpo 2017Teaser PMexpo 2017Backstage Interviste Enrico MastrofiniPresidente ISIPM Graziano TrasartiVice Presidente ISIPM Claudia SpagnuoloProject Manager del PMexpo 2017 Stefano AntonelliConsulente e formatore di PM Fabio ArmaniLean Agile Consultant & Coach Antonio BassiProfessore Universitario di PM, SUPSI Carl BelackEsperto di Managing Complex Projects Mauro Berruto AD della Scuola Holden Maurizio D'AmbrosioCD ISIPM ed Esperto PM3 Geof EllinghamChair at Agile Business Consortium David HillsonThe Risk Doctor Vito IntronaConsiglio Direttivo ISIPM Federico MinelleDirettore Rivista "Il Project Manager" Maurizio MonassiConsulente e Docente di PM Simone OnofriDirector at ABC/GIAC Advisory Board Massimo PirozziSegretario del CD di ISIPM Robert RasmussenIl "papà" di LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Giovanni Rellini LerzAgID Emanuele RemedianiTeam member PMexpo 2017 Martin SedlmayerVice Presidente CD IPMA, Svizzera Antonella SeriniCorte dei Conti Paolo VallaranoAmministratore unico di AdMeliora Rebecca WinstonCapo Delegazione ISO TC 258, USA Round Table Carl BelackManaging Projects in Contexts with Increasing Complexity Massimo PirozziThe Stakeholder Perspective for the Value Generation George PitagorskyThe Essential Role of Education in Project Management Martin SedlmayerIndividual Competence Baseline in Project Management Growth Ricardo TrianaInstitutes, Associations, and Networking to promote Project Management Knowledge Rebecca WinstonThe Project Manager and the Client Relationship