Antonella Chirichiello

Antonella Chirichiello

Breve Curriculum

IT Italiano

Antonella Chirichiello è Innovation Manager in una delle maggiori 10 società dell’Aerospazio, Difesa e Sicurezza al mondo. Dal 2021 partecipa al gruppo di lavoro UNI/CT016/GL89 “Gestione dell’innovazione” in qualità di membro esperto, e dal 2016 fa parte del Consiglio Direttivo dell’Istituto Italiano di Project Management (ISIPM). Esperta d’innovazione tecnologica, open innovation e trasferimento tecnologico, è co-autrice di alcuni articoli scientifici sui temi di Intelligenza artificiale e Ingegneria del software, e autrice di articoli formativi e divulgativi su tematiche di innovazione sulla rivista Project Manager (IL) edita da Franco Angeli, e su Industry4Business, uno dei portali informativi di Network Digital360. Ha conseguito un Executive MBA presso il MIP Politecnico di Milano School of Management, laurea e dottorato di ricerca in Ingegneria informatica presso la Sapienza - Università di Roma. Si è specializzata in Technology Entrepreneurship presso la SCU Leavey School of Business grazie ad una borsa di studio Fulbright e in Project Management presso la LUISS Business School. É certificata PMP©, ISIPM-Av e ISIPM-base.

IT English

Antonella Chirichiello is Innovation Manager in one of the top 10 Aerospace, Defense and Security companies in the world. Since 2021 She participates in the UNI / CT016 / GL89 "Innovation Management" working group as an expert member, and since 2016 She is member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Institute of Project Management(ISIPM). Expert in technological innovation, open innovation and technology transfer, She is co-author of some scientific articles on the topics of Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering, and author of educational and informative articles on Innovation Management in the magazine Project Manager (IL) published by Franco Angeli, and on Industry4Business, one of Network Digital360's information portals. She holds an Executive MBA from the POLIMI Graduate School of Management, a degree and a PhD in Computer Engineering from the Sapienza-University of Rome. She specialized in Technology Entrepreneurship at the SCU Leavey School of Business thanks to a Fulbright scholarship and in Project Management at the LUISS Business School. She is PMP©, ISIPM-Av and ISIPM-base certified.

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